Hello, Welcome to our MOOC SYSTEM

Learning keeps you in the lead

Common Values

Innovative Solution

Civic Engagement

Critical Thinking

Combatting the Epidemic: A Comprehensive Guide to Exposing and Rejecting Fake News

Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn’t have to. Following our course to facilitate learning experiences no matter the context.

Help From Experts

It’s important to speak with qualified professionals who can provide accurate information and guidance tailored to each individual’s unique situation. Remember, taking care of oneself is a top priority, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support when needed; we’re here to help.

Self-Build Your Knowlege

Our platform is dedicated to unlocking your potential and helping you become a lifelong learner. Our website is designed to provide you with access to an extensive collection of resources that aim to promote personal growth, intellectual curiosity, and continuous learning. Join us on this journey of exploration and let’s unleash your true potential!

Real-life Lessons

These are the most impactful and meaningful learning experiences for individuals. Its offer the opportunity for people to learn practical skills and knowledge that can be applied immediately to their everyday lives. Individuals can develop a deeper understanding of the world and gain a unique set of problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Don't fall for fake news - Learn to spot misinformation with our MOOC!

Everything is a learning experience

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Clotaire Ntienou (ABARKA)

Featured Instructor

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